How I Got My Focus and Motivation ‘Groove’ Back

It seems like one of the biggest challenges folks are dealing with as we SIP and move into the ‘new normal’ is around time management, focus, and motivation. These are things I wrestle with myself, and I thought I’d share how I’ve managed my own focus and motivation challenges. I hope this is helpful!

Resilience: The Necessity Of Our Times

One hundred and seventy nine days ago, I packed my car, not know if I was leaving forever or for only a few days. I had about an hour to decide what to bring and what to leave. Mainly I took photos, clothes, toiletries, my work stuff, and easy to find items that it would […]

The Gift Of Self-Compassion

I just got off the phone with an amazing woman. She is successful, works hard to make the world a better place on a massive scale, and brings incredible value and humanity to everything she does; she is an inspiration to say the least. I am beyond thrilled she will be contributing to the upcoming […]

I Probably Already Had Covid-19 — and other insights from this past week

The last thing I want to do is think about corona virus. I’m sure by now you’re probably feeling the same way. But here we are in the middle of a global pandemic and think about it we must. I had something totally different in mind to share this week that I was all excited […]

Corona Virus: My Personal Plan

The chatter in the media about Covid-19 is overwhelming. Is it hype, or should we take it seriously–or both? Will it be bad, or no worse than an average flu? Time will tell… I’ve been thinking a lot about how to prepare and how to help my family prepare for the inevitable. It seems like […]

Getting Sick Was A Gift That Changed My Life

One of the most profound, transformational experiences I ever had came when I was 23 years old. It was as a result of being so sick I couldn’t work anymore. It was the middle of winter and I was living just outside of Philadelphia working with horses when I got so sick I couldn’t work. […]