Faux Fasting: The Key To A Long, Healthy Life

The health benefits of fasting are profound. In addition to being one of the fastest ways to reverse type 2 diabetes and taking off unwanted pounds (and are less likely to be gained back), it rejuvenates your immune system, increases growth hormone levels, promotes stem cell generation, and improves cognitive function.

Over the past few years intermittent fasting has become a more and more popular way to manage weight and avoid the ravages of living in a society where it’s difficult not to over indulge.

True fasts create  physiological changes beyond what intermittent versions do.

But for most people true fasts are too difficult and restrictive and hard to do while maintaining normal work and life schedules.

Modified Fasting The “Fasting Mimicking diet” was designed by Dr. Valter Longo in pursuit of longevity. His 25 years of research on aging, nutrition, and disease across the globe, lead him to develop this unique program, which lays out a simple solution to living to a healthy old age through nutrition. In his book, “The Longevity Diet,” Dr. Longo outlines how to create the fasting state without abstaining from food entirely. The scientifically engineered fasting- mimicking diet (FMD) does away with the misery and starvation most of us experience while fasting, allowing you to reap all the beneficial health effects of a restrictive diet, while avoiding negative stressors, like hunger, low energy, and sleeplessness.

Fasting is what stimulates the body to burn fat. During fasting blood sugar (glucose) levels drop. Glucose is the most easily accessible fuel source for the body. When glucose is not available, the body simply adjusts by switching to fat metabolism, without any negative health effects. This is a normal and natural part of life, as periods of low food availability have been part of human evolution since day 1, and we are well adapted to this fact of life. In fact is an essential part of optimizing health. This “feast and famine” paradigm helps to improve insulin sensitivity, supports lean body mass, and turns on longevity genes and rejuvenating mechanisms in the body as well as many other benefits listed below.