Body Blueprint Personalized Food Plan

The Body Blueprint is more than a diet, it is a system of discerning what you should and shouldn’t eat, based on YOU, so that you can be lean and fit, eat in a way that feels right, gives you the results you’re looking for, and sets you up for a lifetime of health.

When you follow a personalized food plan that is made for you, you will be amazed—it feels different than any diet you’ve ever been on. It not only nourishes you just as you need to be nourished, but it will be more satisfying than anything you’ve ever tried as well. And, when you know your plan is personalized for you, you will stick to it—because it is yours.

The Body Blueprint takes a look at 6 layers of what makes you uniquely you to come up with a completely personalized, practical food list of what to emphasize, enjoy occasionally, and what to avoid when possible. It’s more than just what to and not to eat though, it includes qualities of the food like warm or cool, moist or dry, flavors to emphasize and avoid to balance your system. It will also include a meal structure guide so that you have a better sense of how much to eat of different foods based on your needs.

The results my clients are getting with the blueprint are amazing. Many are finally able to drop weight after years of being stuck; digestive pain, headaches, joint pain, and bloating are becoming things of the past; clarity, confidence, and follow through are improving.

Good health is a step-by-step process, and knowing YOUR Body Blueprint might just be the key to your finally figuring out a plan that works for YOU.

The 6 layers of the blueprint include:

  1. Blood type
  2. Body type
  3. Metabolic type
  4. Food allergies & intolerance
  5. Genetics
  6. And last but not least, personal tastes and preferences


The Body Blueprint process includes an initial intake appointment and assessments. After you complete your assessments I will format your list based on the information collected during your appointment combined with the assessments. Each list is tailor made to provide useful information to suit the recipient’s needs.

In addition to your final food list you will receive a customizable food plan and more information on what makes you uniquely you, as well as suggestions on how you can support yourself to bring balance and experience a greater sense of well-being.

The one-time investment for the key to getting your diet dialed in is $497

As soon as you complete your purchase you will receive the assessments and form to fill out. From there it takes a day or two to complete your personalized Blueprint. With it you will receive a link to schedule your appointment so we can go over it together, I’ll answer any questions you have, and how to make it the foundation of your normal healthy diet.
