Top 10 Superfoods – The Key To A Vibrant Healthy Life

The term “superfood” is pretty overused these days. It’s supposed to indicate a food with a particularly high nutrient content or medicinal quality, however, it’s a term with no legal definition and can be used in a variety of ways, including as a misleading marketing tool.

I’ve seen superfood lists that included items as mundane as turkey, tomatoes, and oats (not that they are not good foods mind you), advertizements that tout their products as superfoods (that fall SO short of the mark it’s ridiculous), and entire companies built around some particular fruit, berry, root or flower that try to lock buyers into long and expensive buying contracts.

To make it a bit simpler to make some best-practice choices, here are my top 10 picks for almost everyone. You might have to learn how to use some of them, but once you do, it is easy.

Keep in mind that food has healing properties and even medicinal qualities. Some foods are particularly rich in nutrients you might need more of. Depending on your specific needs there may be some items well worth including in your own personal top 10 list.


Most of the American population consumes sea vegetables daily without even realizing it.

Unprocessed sea vegetables are a wonderful food and should really be consumed by all. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein, yet low in calories. Sea vegetables are delicious in soups, stews, salads, side dishes, or for making sushi. Look for them in Asian markets and natural food stores.

Try: agar, nori, wakame, arame, hiziki, kombu, and dulse. Nori snack packs are now widely available at major stores like Trader Joe’s and Costco.


Berries are loaded with vitamin C, folate, fiber and phytonutrients. Indeed, fresh berries are some of the most powerful disease fighting foods available. They are great as a dessert, a snack, or sprinkled on top of your morning porridge.

Try: Goji (dried), raspberries, blueberries, cherries, and blackberries.

*Goji, acai, and mangosteen are often found as concentrated juices.  A few ounces per day can be enough to make a big difference in overall health.


Green vegetables such as kale, chard, collard greens, watercress, arugula, bok choy, and dandelion greens are packed with vitamins A and C, iron, folate, beta-carotene, calcium and phytonutrients. They are very filling, high in fiber and low in calories. They are very alkalizing, good for the blood and chlorophyll helps the body cleanse itself.


Rich in probiotics, pickles stimulate the immune system, improve the digestion process, and act as anti-oxidants. In addition, they also facilitate the synthesis of certain vitamins, such as vitamin C, and B12.

Try: rice bran pickles (nuka), sauerkraut, and Kim chi. There are more and more options on the store shelves–at least in natural food stores–and whole foods.


Often called ‘the king of alkaline foods’, umeboshi plums are an ancient Japanese health food used to balance and strengthen. Highly valued for its antibacterial properties, a digestive aid, and also for hangovers or whenever the body feels depleted. A convenient way to consume it is to use umeboshi plum vinegar, which is not true vinegar but a fuchsia hued brine, ideal for sushi, dips, sauces, and salad dressings. Sold in Asian and natural foods markets.


This slender fish is packed full of important nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and calcium. Cold-water fish, such as sardines, contain the highest amounts of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. One of the world’s first canned foods, the sardine is rich in phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin B6, and niacin.

Get the ones packed in water without salt added if using canned. Also fresh and salt packed are really delicious! (rinse the salt off of course)


Numerous studies have shown that those who consume the traditional Mediterranean diet low in saturated fat, are at decreased risk of developing heart disease and cancer. And epidemiological studies show that they also live longer. Recent data suggests that olive oil has anti-inflammatory benefits. Avoid over heating the oil and do not use for frying. Use Grape seed oil for higher temperature cooking. Also make sure that your olive oil is the real deal since there are lots of counterfeit olive oils out there now.


There’s plenty of research available to suggest that cacao is indeed really good for us. It has an extremely high concentration of anti oxidants such as polyphenols, catechins and epicatechins. It also has the highest levels of magnesium found in nature, as well as manganese, zinc, chromium, and iron, and more. Compounds in chocolate also help boost serotonin and endorphin levels which alleviate stress and depression, help with menstrual symptoms, reduce pain sensitivity and increase alertness.

Try Raw cacao nibs in smoothies, trail mix, cereal, or plain.

9. MACA  

Maca root has been consumed by the people of the Andes for thousands of years. Scientists are now recognizing it for its immense nutritional value and the health benefits it offers. It is used to increase stamina and libido, help the endocrine system function properly, and is known to help women deal with menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings.

Maca root is usually a dried powder and can be consumed as part of smoothies, teas, milk or coffee.


The most commonly known and studied medicinal mushrooms include reishi mushroom, agaricus mushroom, Maitake, Shitake, and Coriolus mushroom.  Some of these medicinal mushrooms could be used culinarily, but most are made into teas, powdered mushroom extracts, or tinctures, so that people can take them in their most potent form (i.e., in an “extract” form) for their specific healing effects on the body/mind/spirit. Shitake is easy to find at most grocery stores.

Try shitake in any recipe that calls for mushrooms. Also look for teas. Available as extracts that will boost your immune system in times of need.

Other honorable mentions:

  • Coconut – is highly nutritious and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is classified as a “functional food” because it provides many health benefits beyond its nutritional content.
  • Liver – richest source of B12 and many other essential nutrients. Read more.
  • Salmon – rich in omega 3 fatty acids
  • Apricots – extremely high in vitamins A & C
  • Onions & garlic – rich in sulfur-containing compounds and an outstanding source of polyphenols, including the flavonoid polyphenols and are a standout source of quercetin.
  • Beans – High in fiber and protein, low in fat, and very versatile. The darker the color, the more rich in phytonutrients.

For more information on what foods belong on YOUR own personal list visit My Superfoods

10 Nutrition Tips For Busy Families

“What am I going to make for dinner?” Is a daily question. If you are like me, the answer has to fit in with a pretty hectic schedule. Between homework, sports, and picky eaters, coming up with healthy meals can be tough.

Fast food and prepackaged dinners just don’t have the nutrition that growing children–or healthy adults– need.

According to one statistic, 95% of Americans are deficient in at least one essential nutrient. The testing I do in my practice more than confirms that. This is alarming considering we have access to the best quality food in the world.  The fact is that most people are eating nutrient deficient diets–ironically, while eating too many calories. Essential vitamins and minerals are vastly under represented in the average diet, and especially in children.

Here are 10 simple steps will help you feed your family–and yourself–right!

  1. Make your own frozen meals for simple dinner prep. Use high quality ingredients and healthy recipes. Make salads and fresh vegetables to round out the meal.
  2. Try new foods. If you tend to go with old standbys, it is time to be adventurous and try new things. Variety is the spice of life, and also a good way insure you are getting a broad range of nutrients. This is one of my favorite recipe sites
  3. Eat more vegetables. This is where it really falls apart for busy families. Cooking them ahead of time so that they just need to be reheated is a good way to go. Also homemade vegetable soups and salads are good meal-additions. At least 1/3 of a meal should be vegetables so be sure to have variety.
  4. Switch to healthier products. If you use white rice, switch to brown.  If tuna salad is a stand-by, try salmon salad instead (less mercury and more omega 3’s). Upgrade your breakfast cereal, use sea salt instead of refined salt, etc. There are lots of ways to up the overall quality of your food.
  5. Reduce the amount of processed foods your family eats. More whole grains, less flour products, more fresh food, less packaged, more homemade, less store bought…You will be so much healthier for it (and save money too)!
  6. Make sure superfoods are on the menu. Berries, sea vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, are easy to add to salads, soups, breakfast cereal–and even deserts.
  7. Eat whole grains. Brown rice, quinoa, Bulgar wheat, barley, are easy to make once you know how. (Whole wheat bread is still a processed food with a glycemic index not much better than that of white bread.)
  8. Use organic produce whenever possible, local is best. It is good for your body and good for the local economy. Most towns have farmer’s markets. The produce there is often picked same day and tastes SOOOO much better than it’s store bought counterpart.
  9. Reduce sugar. Rather than resorting to artificial sweeteners, which are toxic, use natural, nutritious, unrefined sweeteners like agave nectar, raw honey, maple syrup, and turbinado sugar; just use them sparingly.
  10. Eat together as a family whenever possible. Take time to reconnect as a family. Health is as much about how we eat, as what we eat.

Top 10 Ways To Escape Depression

This morning (Thanksgiving day) I was woken up by a text from a client reaching out to me because she was feeling depressed. It was 7am my time–10am hers.

“Linda, I’m feeling depressed. On this Thanksgiving day. I wish I felt happy and up beat. When I feel like this I don’t tend to do things.” “Maybe I need a hobby. I feel better when I read chicken soup for the soul. Maybe I need to do better self care–maybe I need a ritual of self care. Maybe some yoga too…”

This was the beginning of a long text exchange. What I shared with her were a few of my top, most effective, ways to escape the gravitational pull of DEPRESSION.

She’s in that fragile place of wanting to change her body, weight, and health, but her old thought and feeling habits have not had time to change yet. Thoughts and feelings are habits, just like anything else. Her desire for different body is strong, but she has not yet developed the ‘muscle’ of being able to take hold of her “state”. Yet. Just like anything else, it takes practice.

The objective here is to change your “STATE”–changing both your focus and physicality at the same time. To go from a depressive state to a happy, upbeat, empowered one.

  1. The fastest way to change your state is to change your PHYSICALITY. This means:

2. Change your POSTURE. If you were in an acting class and wanted to act depressed, or sad, how would you stand (or sit)? Do it now. Come on, even sadder! Overact the part! Now act happy and upbeat. Come on, even happier!! Be convincing! Over act this part too! How does that change your posture? Your facial expression? Now smile and stand up tall (in your happy posture) and see how hard it is to think sad thoughts. Mood and posture is a two way street. Mood may effect posture, but posture can also effect mood. So sit tall, open your chest, and balance your head over your shoulders.

3. Guess what else changes when you adopt a happy posture? BREATHING! When you slump your lungs cannot take in a full breath–your breathing is shallow and breaths are small. When you stand/sit tall, your chest expands giving your lungs more room to expand and take in a full deep breath. In addition to getting more oxygen in your body, it also stimulates your Vagus nerve. Not sure what that means? That’s why the link is there.

4. Part of why you feel depressed in the first place has to do with FOCUS. Thinking about things that make you sad, disappointments, unfulfilled expectations, insults, shortcomings…is depressing. The antidote is to get hyper focused on things that make you happy. It’s easier to focus on sad things than happy ones. Maybe there’s some evolutionary advantage to it–like learning and finding solutions to problems rather than easily being able to forget…? Still, sometimes it is more productive to just move on than dwell in a disempowered state.

5. It’s the STORIES you tell yourself that make you either happy or sad. It’s not whether something is true or not true that makes you happy or sad, but rather what you believe that matters. So you may as well tell yourself a story that makes you feel the way you want to feel. Doing v. Not Doing. Which wolf will you feed?

6. Changing your SURROUNDINGS helps change focus. Getting away from the triggers and trappings of your daily life and the things that reinforce your thinking patterns makes a huge difference. Ultimately you will be able to surmount your environment, but while learning how to escape the pull of depression, make it easy for yourself and get out of your fishbowl. Getting out in nature can be the best medicine.

7. Your thoughts (and your physicality) effect BRAIN CHEMISTRY. Conversely your brain chemistry effects your thoughts and your (default) physicality. Guess what else affects brain chemistry…? FOOD! And water. Your diet has a HUGE impact on your brain. Between blood sugar, neurotransmitters, hormonal balance, your gut biome, and your nutritional health, your brain isn’t necessarily running the show. Not to mention FOOD INTOLERANCE. One of the under appreciated symptoms of food intolerance is depression. More on this in another blog.

Exactly what to eat for the best mood varies a bit from person to person, but a good rule of thumb is to eat super nutritious, light, easy to digest, fiber rich foods, like soups, with plenty of leafy green vegetables (which have an uplifting effect on mood), and stay away from sugar and processed foods as much as possible.

8. Once you address the physical and biological reasons you might be stuck in a depressive rut, it’s time to explore the mind. One reason you might be feeling low is because of unmet EXPECTATIONS. Without conscious planning we expect certain things. When we do something nice for someone we might expect a “thank you,” or some reciprocation. One of the reasons why the holidays are so emotionally challenging for some people is that there is a sort of unwritten, cultural expectation that holidays are a time for coming together, for love, happiness…and then their expectations go unmet and there are feelings of disappointment. One way avoid this is to re examine and adjust expectations.

9. As a human being one of our most essential needs is for that of CONNECTION. It has a dramatic effect on long-term health because it plays such an important roll in emotional well being. Those who are part of a community live longer and are happier than those who aren’t. The culture here in the USA tends to be very insular with a high premium put on independence and little thought given to interdependence (which is not the same thing as codependency). Finding ways to fulfill your need for real and meaningful connection is a huge boost to happiness and a good antidote for depression.

10. And not to be underestimated in the big picture is ALIGNMENT WITH PURPOSE. We all have something we feel like we were put here on this earth to do, consciously, or subconsciously. When you feel like you are fulfilling your purpose; when your actions align with your values and your mission, and you are actively contributing to the world around you–being an artist, a teacher, a parent, a leader, a healer, or whatever, everything will fall into place. There is no antidote for depression quite as powerful as doing something for someone else–really contributing to their happiness and well being for no other reason than to see them thrive. Because humans are interdependent beings and when one thrives, we all thrive.

“What Should I Eat?”

Here’s the answer to the #1 nutrition question I get asked all the time.

What you should eat depends on your own body. Unless you know what your body really needs, you are just making best guesses. Junk food aside, foods that are super healthy for one person might be the worst for another. I am a strong believer in using testing to take the guess work out of what to put on your plate–and what to keep off it. Find out more…

Knowing–really knowing what to eat and what to stay away from can get you feeling better, get you out of pain, help you lose weight faster, dramatically increase energy and productivity, and promote healing at the deepest level.

Kale, chicken, apples, lettuce, and lemons are good food, but not for everyone!

Healthy Cooking Tips And Tricks For Busy Families

As summer draws to near to a close, my thoughts turn toward getting my kids ready for the new school year. I love the free flow of summer, always eager for the break in routine that summer brings. By the end of summer I am also just as ready for the return to routine and structure.

As the mother of two boys, autumn also brings on a shortage of discretionary time. Between the pressures of sports, homework, quality time, and bedtime, keeping up with healthy meals can be a challenge. I know first hand what a struggle it is to put (a healthy) dinner on the table night after night. The temptation to do quick-and-not-so-healthy can be hard to resist.

Here are some suggestions, tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your time in the kitchen, save you money, and keep your family at the peak of health.

Suggestion #1 — Start the season off with a clean pantry

Take everything out –and I mean EVERYTHING and clean the space. Paint it, re paper it, or whatever. Make the space look attractive and appealing. Be selective when putting things back. Toss anything that is expired or you would not want to eat. Get rid of items that undermine healthy habits. Stock the shelves with things like beans, tomatoes, whole grains, and canned fish like tuna, salmon, or sardines. Stock the freezer with chicken, ground beef/turkey/buffalo, frozen vegetables and home made soups.

Suggestion #2 — Make your own frozen entrees to freeze for later

You can do this by setting aside a couple of hours one day a week, once a month, or by simply making enough extra to get another meal out of it. Be sure to choose recipes that will freeze well like soups, stews, lasagna, and cooked grains too. (See my recipe for gluten free hi protein lasagna)

Tip #1 — Do some meal planning at the beginning of each week

It does not have to be fancy, just some notes of what is for dinner the different nights. Each morning refer to the list and be sure you have everything you need, or need to defrost.

Trick #1 — How to defrost something in a hurry

The best way is NOT in the microwave. It diminishes the taste and texture, not to mention the healthfulness of your food.

The best way to defrost rice or other whole grains is to put them in a strainer and run them under warm water. It only takes a minute.  For other things fill a large bowl with very warm water. If the item you are defrosting is watertight, submerge it weighted down with a glass jar filled with hot water. If it is watertight, put it in a zip lock with all the air pushed out or in an empty plastic produce bag with the open end above the level of the water. Submerging it will push the air out. Change the water as it cools down. For best results, defrost meat completely before cooking.


I wish you a happy, healthy, and stress free back-to-school season—whether you have school aged kids of not!