Better Than Candy – The Halloween Candy Antidote

Halloween candy is the slippery slope that leads many into an out of control, sugar driven, holiday season.

It can be nearly impossible to resist; it’s cheap, legal, tastes good, lights your brain up, and makes you feel energized all at the same time. It is literally more addictive than cocaine. But, it has a wicked backlash effect on energy, brain chemistry, health and weight. I could go on and on about how bad it is, but really I just want to give you a simple little recipe for a better option to reach for when you are feeling tempted. It’s satisfying and has all of the nutrients and fiber that are supposed to be in that amount of calories–unlike candy. In case you think this is a recipe for trail-mix you are partially right. It’s similar–but way better.  :-)


Halloween Candy Antidote Recipe

Makes 4 cups

1 cup raw almonds

1 cup raw walnuts

1 cup seedless raisins (organic)

1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

1/4 – 1/2  cup raw cacao nibs

Other options: Dried apricots, dried blueberries, dried unsweetened cranberries, pecans, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, mango, papaya, goji berries… Go for your favorites.


Toast coconut in a dry skillet over medium heat until it is just starts to turn brown. Keep a close eye on it since this does not take long.

Mix in a bowl with all of the other ingredients.

Enjoy in moderation. (It is not calorie free.)

Pareto’s Law For Better Health And Weight Loss

You may be familiar with Pareto’s law which states that 20% of the effort yields 80% of the results. This is applies to health and weight loss too.

Let’s face it, everyone wants to be healthier, and for many that includes losing weight. But not everyone makes it a priority and takes action. Maybe because of the time and energy it may require, which are at a premium in this busy bustling world, when being stretched too thin (no pun intended) is half the problem in the first place.Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 9.39.03 PM

When you get right down to it, failure to act on improving your health is based on only two things; fear of the pain you believe will come with your efforts, and the disassociation to the pleasure you will gain. In other words, the fear that it will be “hard and no fun” eclipses the vision of the desired result.

But if we consider Pareto’s principle, we can transform this belief almost instantly. If 20% of the effort yields 80% of the results, we can just focus on a few high yield items and call it a win.

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No matter where you are in the health spectrum I’ll bet you could think of at least 20 things you could do to be healthier and lose weight. If you pick 3-4 items off the list to focus on, you will likely get almost as good of a result as if you did them all. Drinking more water may seem like too easy of a way to get out of going to the gym 5 days a week, but if you are not drinking enough, it may give you more benefit than the exercise. Walking for 30 minutes per day may seem like a copout compared to running a marathon, but the benefits to your overall health may be pretty comparable.

Just for fun make a list of 20 different things you could do to achieve your health and weight ideal. Then divide a piece of paper into 4 quadrants. Label the upper left quadrant “Difficult/high yield” and the quadrant below “Difficult /low yield”. Label the upper right “Easy high yield” and below that “Easy/low yield”.  For example, going for a relaxing evening walk may be easy, but it is high yield. Starving yourself is certainly difficult–and it is ultimately low yield.

Sort your list into the four different Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 10.17.07 PMcategories. The first place to look for your “to-do” items, as I’m sure you realize, is the easy with high yield results list.

Now take it one tiny little step further. Look at your whole list, and with a highlighter if you have one, or maybe just underline if you don’t, select the items that you find the most FUN. With the filter of easy and fun, select the 3-4 items that will do the most to give you the body, energy, and life you want. I would call that a win.





Fish Oil For Weight Loss

Fish oil is one of the most valuable supplements there is. It contains essential long chain omega3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA). Hundreds of studies suggest that omega-3s may provide some benefits to a wide range of diseases: cancer, asthma, depression, cardiovascular disease, ADHD, and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oil  supports the immune system, lowers triglycerides, improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic function, supports brain health, and has a surprising benefit for women who want to lose weight.

How much fish oil should you take?  Reputable sources advise taking 1200-1600mg EPA and 600-800mg DHA, which may provide substantial benefits to most adults. This would be 3-4 1g softgels per day of a high quality product. These doses can combat chronic low level or “silent” inflammation.

Doses should be divided and taken with meals for best absorption.

Note: Some situations may make it necessary to avoid these supplements without a doctor’s approval.

10 Juice Recipes For Health & Cleansing That Look And Taste Great

A few weeks ago I got into a little bit of a debate on Facebook about juicing. Someone shared a link to an opinion piece on how juicing is bad for you. Although my friend is extremely knowledgeable about health I don’t think he really understood what juicing can be. Done wrong it is a sugar-fest that could do more harm than good. But done right, with good juice recipes, it is the core of health recovery and effective cleansing. Plus it is delicious, extremely energizing, life-affirming, and nourishing at a level that eating or blending can never reproduce.

One of the core principles of healing is to detoxify and re-nutrify your body. Juicing is the key; it is both concentrated nutrition and aids in the detoxification process.

The purpose of juicing is to give your body tremendous amounts of readily available nutrients that you don’t have to work for. By “work” I mean the work of digestion. Digestion takes a lot of energy, and when we are sick, depleted, exhausted, or not digesting properly, it’s just another drain on a limited resource. Have you ever noticed that you have more energy when you don’t eat than when you do? That you feel more sluggish after eating than after skipping a meal? This is because your body is not having to divert energy to digestion. This is one reason people feel so energized from juice. Another is that you are getting more vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes than normal, which makes your body HAPPY!

One of the reservations people have about juicing is that you loose much of that wonderful fiber plus some phyto-nutrients when you juice as opposed to eat or blend. This is true, but there are trade-offs. Let’s put trade-offs into perspective: You lose nutrients when you cook, peel, freeze/can, or store your food, but that doesn’t stop most people from doing it. Even if you eat everything fresh and raw you might not be getting all of the available nutrients since raw plant matter can be difficult to digest (and is contraindicated for people with weak digestion, or are sick, to eat a lot of it). And who really wants to eat raw meat anyway?

Blending does help break down the cell walls of fruits and veggies, which makes the nutrients more available for absorption and assimilation (as does juicing), but it would be extremely difficult to consume enough blended produce to give you the same amount of nutrition available in one cup of juice. That said, blending has it’s place: you want to UP the nutritional content of your smoothie, great! Add a handful or two of greens, but don’t kid yourself, this is not in the same league as juicing, nutritionally. Even if you are blending nothing but vegetables, you are still only consuming what you can fit in the blender plus the blending liquid, which dilutes your nutrients.

The big benefit of juicing over blending or just eating is that when you juice you take large amounts of produce and concentrate the nutrients into a form that your body can easily assimilate with very little digestion required. You flood your body with nutrition while allowing it to rest, which creates an environment for deep healing and rejuvenation.

Another reservation people have about juicing is that it contains too much sugar, but that all depends on what’s in the juice. Juice is not all one thing. Which what this article is really about: making great, health restorative juice that looks and tastes fantastic!

The right juice recipes are important. You want it to look good, taste good, and have the right balance of sweet, sour, bitter, and saltiness, without having too high of a sugar content. I’ll share some of my juice recipes, but be sure to invent some of you own as your palate and tastes develop.

A few notes here before I get to the juice recipes:

  1. All produce should be organic if possible. This is a resource to help you decide what has to be organic and what can be conventional if need be.
  2. Quantities given will yield approximately one quart + of juice but since the size of produce varies, as do the extraction abilities of various juicers, this is rough.
  3. Store juice in airtight containers to preserve freshness and nutritional integrity. I like these containers, but mason jars are okay in a pinch.
  4. Plan to consume your juice within 24 hours, but within 48-72 hours at the very most. The fresher the better since quality goes down quickly over time.
  5. If you are new to juicing you might need to up the fruit by a little bit in the beginning. As you become accustomed to the flavors, reduce the fruit. Juice should be just sweet enough to be palatable–and no more. The less sugar the better.
  6. Adjust ratios to suit your taste.
  7. All produce should be well washed before juicing.
  8. As you become familiar with juicing make up your own recipes. Experiment. But if you want to avoid drinking brown juice (unappetizing if you ask me), don’t mix reds, greens, and orange too much. Better to make 2 kinds of pretty juice than one ugly one.

Juice recipe #1: Green Apple (my personal favorite!)

  • 3 green apples (use tart apples such as granny smith or pippin rather than the sweeter varieties)
  • 3 cucumbers — equal amount to the apple (peel on unless it is waxy or bitter)
  • 1 jicama, peeled
  • 1 -2 large bunch parsley
  • 1  lemon

Juice recipe #2: Ruby Watermelon

  • 1 personal sized watermelon, peel included, or equivalent amount (be sure to use peel to keep sugar content in check)
  • 2 red beets
  • 1-2 bunch spinach
  • 1 lemon

Juice recipe #3 Pineapple Detox

  • 1 pineapple
  • 2 bunch cilantro
  • 4 cucumbers
  • 1 bunch kale
  • 1 lemon

Juice recipe #4 Totally Ginger

  • 6 carrots
  • 1 -2 large orange-fleshed yam, peeled
  • 4 cucumbers, peeled
  • the light green inner stalks and leaves of celery (equivalent to 3 large stalks)
  • 1″ -2″ knob of ginger, peeled

Juice recipe #5 Keto Green

  • 2 jicama, peeled
  • 2 heads celery
  • 4 cucumbers
  • 4 leaves of kale or 1 large head of Romain lettuce

Juice recipe #6 Mellow Yellow

  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 4 peeled cucumbers
  • 1 jicama
  • 1″ knob turmeric root

Juice recipe #7 Green Sunrise

  • 1 pineapple
  • 3 bunches celery
  • 1 bunch kale
  • 1 lemon

Juice recipe #8 Emerald Apple

  • 6 apples
  • 2 jicama (0r 3 cucumber)
  • 2 bunches kale
  • 1-2 lemons

Juice recipe #9 Watermelon Stout

  • 1 personal sized watermelon, peel included, or equivalent amount (be sure to use peel to keep sugar content in check)
  • 2 red beets
  • 2 bunches celery
  • 1 jicama

Juice recipe #10 Simple Carrot

  • 8 carrots
  • 4 cucumbers, peeled
  • 3 stalks celery


Some Interesting Sugar Statistics…

Did you know….

• The average American drinks more than 60 gallons of soft drinks each year.
• One soda per day increases your risk of diabetes by 85 percent.
• The average American consumes anywhere between 150 to 170 pounds of simple sugars, also known as refined sugars, per year.
• Soda drinkers have higher cancer risk. The federal limit for benzene in drinking water is 5 parts per billion (ppb), researchers have found benzene levels as high as 79 ppb in some soft drinks, and of the 100 brands tested, most had at least some detectable level of benzene present.
• Soda has been shown to cause DNA damage.
• Sodium benzoate, a common preservative found in many soft drinks, has the ability to switch off vital parts of your DNA. This could eventually lead to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson’s.
• Phosphoric Acid: Which can interfere with the body’s ability to use calcium, may lead to osteoporosis or softening of the teeth and bones.
• Aspartame: This chemical is used as a sugar substitute in diet soda. There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures

Bottom line: There is absolutely NO REASON kids should ever drink soda…. Knowing this, I don’t know why ANYONE would want to consume soda!!!