Content related to the biology of how our bodies work

Some Interesting Sugar Statistics…

Did you know….

• The average American drinks more than 60 gallons of soft drinks each year.
• One soda per day increases your risk of diabetes by 85 percent.
• The average American consumes anywhere between 150 to 170 pounds of simple sugars, also known as refined sugars, per year.
• Soda drinkers have higher cancer risk. The federal limit for benzene in drinking water is 5 parts per billion (ppb), researchers have found benzene levels as high as 79 ppb in some soft drinks, and of the 100 brands tested, most had at least some detectable level of benzene present.
• Soda has been shown to cause DNA damage.
• Sodium benzoate, a common preservative found in many soft drinks, has the ability to switch off vital parts of your DNA. This could eventually lead to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson’s.
• Phosphoric Acid: Which can interfere with the body’s ability to use calcium, may lead to osteoporosis or softening of the teeth and bones.
• Aspartame: This chemical is used as a sugar substitute in diet soda. There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures

Bottom line: There is absolutely NO REASON kids should ever drink soda…. Knowing this, I don’t know why ANYONE would want to consume soda!!!

Keeping Active Kids Hydrated

As the summer wares on, dehydration can be a problem, especially for children.

A number of factors place young children, and especially young athletes, at an increased risk for dehydration and various heat illnesses. First, the higher energy expenditure of young athletes means that they produce more metabolic heat. In addition, young athletes don’t sweat as efficiently as older athletes and thus cannot cool their bodies as effectively. Finally, young athletes are not as diligent about drinking fluids and their core body temperature, during dehydration, tends to increase faster. For these reasons it is essential that young athletes be encouraged to drink frequently even when they are not thirsty.

Research studies have shown that providing a cooled and flavored beverage produces greater fluid consumption among children and helps prevent dehydration. Parents should make sure that athletes arrive at practice sessions, games or competitions fully hydrated. Coaches should enforce drink “pauses” every 15-20 minutes even when athletes do not feel thirsty. Parents, coaches and the athletes themselves should watch for the “warning signs of dehydration:”

* Thirst
* Irritability
* Headache
* Decreased performance
* Weakness
* Dizziness
* Cramps
* Nausea

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) provides the following guidelines for the maintenance of optimal hydration:

Before Exercise: 16 – 20 full ounces within the 2-hour period prior to exercise

During Exercise: 4 – 6 full ounces

Post Exercise: replace 24 full ounces for every pound of body weight lost during exercise.
** As a matter of practice, most people do not weigh their children before and after exercise. Rather than measuring pounds and ounces, it is better to just create a routine habit of drinking 12-24 oz after exercise, depending on intensity.

NOTE: While Sports Energy Drinks taste good, the best source of hydration is still good old fashioned water. Sports drinks are designed for strenuous activity that lasts longer than 2 hours. A regulation soccer match lasts only 90 minutes (at U19 and above). As a compromise a 50/50 mix of sports drink and water can be used. Temperature and humidity are factors, as well as initial hydration levels, so it is a good idea to be prepared with a replenishing drink for shorter efforts as well.

Furthermore, a sports drink, which consists of electrolytes (salts and minerals), sugar, and water, ideally is NOT full of artificial color, artificial flavors, too much sugar, and preservatives.
For a truly healthy, and very easy to make recipe for a sports drink, read the post “The Ultimate Sports Drink” in Electrolytes category.

Rotation Diet For ALCAT Test Results – Q&A

Recently a client emailed me some questions about the rotation diet after getting her ALCAT results. I thought they were such great questions I just had to share.

Q. First, I have read different things about what rotation means. Some says you can eat one thing one that day and then not again for four days. Other schools of thought are that you can eat something multiple times during 24 hours then not again for four days.  I would prefer the 24 hour method because then I can, for example, eat leftovers at lunch from the dinner before that stay off that food for four days.  I would like to know your take on the rotation.

A. I think the best thing to do is think of the ration in terms of days, not hours. So, that would be your waking hours of ONE day, not 3pm until 2:59pm the next day. “Breakfast” is supposed to break a fast, which does, to some degree, help clear your system. Eating a food on consecutive days would mean you have to clear it twice…and some foods take more than a day to clear anyway. You could do a yellow* (mildly reactive) food more than once per day if you want. It would increase the intensity of the exposure, and you would have to be that much more careful for the next 4 days. And remember, quantity matters.

Q. Second, on my yellow list, do I need to stay away from all of them for a week even if I have been staying off some of them for weeks?  For example, I haven’t had any cow’s milk product for over 3 weeks.  Can I start rotating that back in now or do I need to wait until I’ve stayed away from everything for a week?

A. Stay off of all of the yellow list items even though you have already been avoiding one. The goal for avoiding all of them is to give yourself the experience of what it feels like NOT to be in reaction. Items you have not been tested for should be avoided in this first week as well. Only when you complete this week should you begin to reintroduce those foods, one at a time–making careful note of any return of symptoms.

Q. This rotation seems like so much planning.  I’m hoping it will become second nature at some point.  And, some things don’t seem reasonable.  For example, am I supposed to use different milks (coconut, almond) and different oils (olive, sunflower) every four days and only use seasonings like black pepper every four days?  That seems ridiculous difficult and, frankly, expensive.  I wouldn’t use milks quickly enough, for example.

A. Yes, you are supposed to rotate things like milks and oils. I don’t know if milk is something you use every day, but if you consider using it only a few times per week then the most you would need is 2 different kinds. Same with oils. Oils keep very well in the fridge and a few different kinds would easily carry you through a week. Olive, flax, grape seed, and hemp are excellent choices. Black pepper is so over used it is a tough one to avoid even if you try. If it is something you have a sensitivity to I would recommend just avoiding it completely for now. Chances are you will have plenty of accidental exposures unless ALL of your meals are homemade. Don’t worry though, there are plenty of other spices to play with.

In the beginning it is always difficult to navigate new information. It is new. You have to learn what is on what list, come up with menu options that fit, change recipes, find new restaurants, experiment with new foods… Once you have come up with foods, recipes, meal plans, and new habits that work, it is much, much easier. Figure the first 3 weeks will be a learning curve, and from there it will be pretty easy. It will become second nature.

Spring: A Time For Allergies…and Asthma?

It is hard to believe winter is almost over; it feels like it never even really arrived. The trees are blooming though, which is a sure sign, and for those with tree allergies, spring is brutal. It can bring on itchy, sneezey, watery eyes, congestion and even sinus infections. For those with asthma, it can trigger attacks. And, for those who sniffle constantly, it can potentially lead to asthma.

How so you ask? Part of the mechanism behind asthma is over-breathing. When we breathe too much our carbon dioxide levels drop. Insufficient carbon dioxide causes smooth muscle spasms throughout the body, such as in the brain (as in migraines) and in the bronchii (as during asthma attacks). Despite more air entering the lungs of an “overbreather”, no increase in blood oxygen level is has been shown, but because of the lowered CO2 level, less oxygen actually makes it to the cells that need it.

Chronic over breathing over prolonged periods of time can change the set-point for the autonomic trigger of when to take the next breath. It is not possible to just hold your breath to increase the amount of CO2 in your body because you will automatically gasp air when it is slightly beyond what it is accustomed to. Holding your breath also makes you take an even bigger, deeper breath when you do take your next breath.

Still, if you can overbreath your way into asthma (no matter what triggers the overbreathing), you can underbreath your way out of it.

The Buteyko method  is a form of physical therapy that consists of “breathing retraining” as a treatment for asthma as well as other conditions. One very good Buteyko based program I have found is called Kick Asthma Naturally.

You can read more about it, as well as my experience with it at the above link. I have seen it work miracles and use some of the techniques myself periodically even though I am not asthmatic. I know plenty of people who became asthmatic in mid-life and I plan on NOT becoming one of them!



Food Allergies and Intolerance

In order to help you kick off your best year ever, I have decided to spotlight food Sensitivities, and Intolerance

Did you know over 80% of the population experiences food sensitivities at some level and they don’t even know it! True allergies are very different than sensitivities and intolerance –only 5-7% of the population suffers from true allergies. Still, food intolerance can wreck havoc on your health, energy and block fitness goals.

Symptoms can include:

  • Chronic fatigue/low energy
  • Migraines
  • Obesity
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Persistent cravings
  • Aching joints
  • Skin disorders
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Mood disorders
  • And many more…

Food sensitivities have been in the media headlines a lot lately and many folks have even tried elimination of the usual suspects like wheat/gluten and dairy… But what happens when the culprit is something you would never suspect –like lettuce, almonds, carrots and celery… What happens when the foods you think of as “safe” are really the root cause of your most troubling symptoms?

I had this test done 25 years ago and it changed my life! I went from being constantly exhausted (for 2 solid years) back to being my old energetic self with in a week of eliminating the 4 offending foods I was eating every day.

Because I am so excited and proud to now offer this vital screening I want as many people as possible to benefit from it. So for the remainder of January ONLY I am offering the tests AT MY COST!!!!!! (40% below list price.) You may even qualify for more savings since many insurance carriers will cover the bulk of the cost.

Contact me and I will help you pick the best test and follow up protocol for you.